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Verifying the Shared Count API Data Accuracy
Verifying the Shared Count API Data Accuracy
Written by Kevin Zhou
Updated over a week ago

Basic Verification of Data Accuracy

To view the actual number of shares, likes, comments, or total engagements a link has, you can check out the Facebook debugger.

You can then compare the number reported from Facebook, and our API to see if our values match.

Privacy Updates

Note: due to recent privacy updates from Facebook, we are only able to return the approximate range of the shares, plus or minus a few percent.

As an example: if the share count is < 50, it may return a range from 0-50. If the share count is 112, it may return a range of 90-120.

As the share count gets higher, the range gets tighter as a function of %. Let's say the share count is 583, it may return a range of 550-600.

Do Facebook share counts also include private shares?

SharedCount includes all shares including private share volumes.

Here's a GIF as a reference below. In this example, we will share a page privately, and afterward, you will see the number of shares go up.

Does the “total” section represent total engagement or total shares?

The total section for Facebook represents the total engagement, which includes all shares and reactions.

What is the difference between a "Share" and a reaction?

A "Share" is when a user shares the post on their timeline, vs a reaction is if they hit like or react. Attaching a reference:

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